Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning

Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Data visualization package A machine learning model which will predict whether patient having a heart disease or not. When applied clear nearest neighbour algorithm for this application so let us start. So first step input packages it imported numpy brand as a metal clip packages number, pandas are packages are data science packages and metal of lip is a data visualization packages so in this application when used K nearest neighbor classifier, So I imported then since this is a Google collab environment, So I cannot drive data set from on this environment so with help of this command I have plotted data set this is the data set. Testing I uploaded after that and this data is saved in DF variable. So after that this is a div dot info let's run. So DF without info gave us insights of that data set, like the features in this data set we have 14 features, so and 14

The major dietary source linked with many health benefits.

Red berries called tomato fruits
In the taken care of health tomato are the major dietary sources contain many antioxidants lycopene having many health benefits, Tomato decreases risk of heart problems or diseases and cancer, The one of the berry which have great source of vitamin-C,potassium,folic acid and vita- K.

When tomato bad for health?
Tomatoes contain malic acid and citric acid, by consumption too much of these could make your stomach acidic an cause acid reflux and heartburn.
Consuming lycopene can also bad for you because it can causes lycopenodermia and  a discoloration of skin.

Side effects and safety
Leaf of tomato is not safe for health, large number of tomato leaves can cause poisoning.
Symptoms of it may include severe throat and mouth irritation, vomiting, diarrhea,dizziness,headache, mild spasm and death in severe cases.

Can we eat tomato by empty stomach?
Tomato enrich with vitamin - C and nutrients. But, we should be avoid tomatoes by situation in empty stomach because, Tannic acid present in tomato which increases acidity in stomach and may leads to gastric problems.

Side effect of eating tomatoes 


Kidney stone
Kidney stone
Joint pain

Joint pain
Acid reflux
Reflux action


Allergic reactions
Allergic reactions

Benefits of eating raw tomato

The fiber , potassium, vitamin-C and choline content in tomato all support  to heart health.
An increase in potassium intake by opositely decrease in sodium intake is the most impotant dietary change.
The person reduce cardio vascular disease.
Tomato also rich with folic acid.


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