Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning

Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Data visualization package A machine learning model which will predict whether patient having a heart disease or not. When applied clear nearest neighbour algorithm for this application so let us start. So first step input packages it imported numpy brand as a metal clip packages number, pandas are packages are data science packages and metal of lip is a data visualization packages so in this application when used K nearest neighbor classifier, So I imported then since this is a Google collab environment, So I cannot drive data set from on this environment so with help of this command I have plotted data set this is the data set. Testing I uploaded after that and this data is saved in DF variable. So after that this is a div dot info let's run. So DF without info gave us insights of that data set, like the features in this data set we have 14 features, so and 14

What Is Health And Wellness? How It Use In Workplace?

What Is Health And Wellness? How It Use In Workplace?

What Is Health And Wellness? How It Use In Workplace?

Health and wellness

                        Health you know at the BAI at the base is physical and then our mental emotional is on the right-hand side so what affects your mental and emotional health well having positive relationships can make your mental and emotional health stronger. 
                       Again negative relationships would again deteriorate your mental and emotional health so the stronger positive relationships you can have friends,family,community members people at school those types of things the better off you'll be along with positive relationships. Your self-concept or your self esteem that affects your mental and emotional health the better you feel about yourself the more you care about yourself the kind of the better person you become alright so think about self esteem and think about the last thing we said the positive relationships the more positive relationships you have the higher your self esteem is alright. 

How will you handle stress?

                     Stress can be it take a toll on your mental emotional health stress happens all the time, so you have to find ways to relieve stress.  Some examples here we're simply listening to music, maybe just playing a game on your phone for a little while can it get you away from the situation maybe talking to people that you care about your relationships that you've built and texting and just kind of maybe talking about the situation that you're in alright and then you got to deal with your thoughts and feelings that happen every day.  Then some people do it by journaling and drawing and subscribing and writing but by kind of getting those things out it's going to make your mental emotional health you'll deal with all the situations so much better. So there's our mental and emotional health moving on to the last one then social health and is social health is simply put respecting caring and valuing people.

Social health and wellness

                   Here's our triangle as no health is in the middle physicals on the bottom mental emotional is on the right and socials right over here on the left right so what affects our social health. I get along with friends classmates and teachers spend a lot of your time at school you've got to have those positive relationships that we talked about in mental emotional health those positive relationships at school are extremely important, because you are here so much so having that positive relationship and you're with your teachers makes the day go by faster make school more enjoyable so work on those relationships with your teachers. While you're at school you're dealing with teachers and you're also you know you get to be with your friends and obviously the friendships are a huge part of your social help and you want to have good again good positive friendships right you,  you need to support people that we care about and it'll just give you a couple examples grandma, grandpa, moms and dads family members you need to care and support those people that you do care about and you can do it.                      In massive quantities you can support people, you know by doing things like answer walks that way not only do you support maybe someone in your family that's been affected by cancer but people across the country. Good ways to improve your social health right there, I think one of the most important ones is spending quality time with family. The more time that you can spend with your family the more quality time the stronger social health will be. And again you can see they were out for a bike ride with their family,so they've got social they've got physical and again it with physical fitness. It can actually relieve stress so it can help your mental and emotional so these things are all kind of tied in together here and you can see on that health triangle and again in quality time it's spending time with your family enjoying your time with your family. It's not just going to someone's basketball game although that's extremely important family yourself too but as you can see a vacation good quality time where it's just you and your family. Our little review health there's our triangle and you know that health is in the middle. Health is a combination of what do you think. Physical visualize it where does physical go there, you go again you're going to need to know this. Along with physical health what else is on that health triangle you got it mental and emotional where does it go on the triangle visualize it here it comes. This is about right hand side there and last but not least social you can fill that in on your triangle put all the pieces together. So again health is a combination of physical mental and emotional and social again well-being right together these make up your total health all right we got to look at healthy balance as you've seen that triangle so far has been a perfect balance all sides are equal the physical the mental and emotional and the social health they've all been equal and that's extremely important that you take care of all those sides of your triangle. You don't want your triangle to have an unhealthy balance. Because, then obviously something or many things are wrong think in your head right now what might someone look like or act like if their triangle looked like this or this or even this you can see that all three of those triangles have an unhealthy balance one thing is off you could ever triangle with two things that are off alright maybe even three things but you can build yourself back up towards that healthy balance too.


                    So we'll talk more about this unhealthy balance and when you come back to class. Let's talk just a little bit about wellness then because we've talked our question that we want to answer today is what is health and wellness, so wellness is a state of well-being or total health you can see wellness is on a continuum is what this is called it can continually switch it can go all the way up to the top right optimal wellness or all the way to the bottom where you're extremely poor this can happen at any point in time during the day your wellness scale or your health scale can change. We can just take a look at the thermometer over here you can see it's up towards the top of the wellness scale, so may be they're in very good or excellent wellness things are going good for this person, which something happens during the day may be you get hurt in a class like physical education class well now your physical health has gone downhill you're not hanging around with your friends you had to go to the doctor's office again your social health is low and maybe you're really disappointed, because you're going to miss the big football game tonight or your sporting event and that's going to affect your mental and emotional health. So you can see depending on a particular event your scale can be real high or it can drop very low and it can happen at any point in time during the day any hour any minute. We're putting all this together we've got health, we've got wellness. You can see I showed them as separate but these two things are not separate your health and wellness is all together. So you can see there's your health you've got your wellness and health is inside our health as a part of your wellness so the three parts of our health triangle would fit inside the little health circle there and they kind of help make up your wellness which is surrounding you and and wellness could be part of your environmental factors the things that are around you we're talk about this a whole lot more in class too but it's important to know that health is a party or wellness .


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