
Showing posts from September, 2019

Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning

Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Data visualization package A machine learning model which will predict whether patient having a heart disease or not. When applied clear nearest neighbour algorithm for this application so let us start. So first step input packages it imported numpy brand as a metal clip packages number, pandas are packages are data science packages and metal of lip is a data visualization packages so in this application when used K nearest neighbor classifier, So I imported then since this is a Google collab environment, So I cannot drive data set from on this environment so with help of this command I have plotted data set this is the data set. Testing I uploaded after that and this data is saved in DF variable. So after that this is a div dot info let's run. So DF without info gave us insights of that data set, like the features in this data set we have 14 features, so and 14

6 Types Of Online Advertising 2019

6 Types of online advertising in 2019 In today’s world scenario marketer should update regularly and came with innovation   in this digital world. Each and every person is familiar with mobiles and internet people need to know market from home or any work place where they situated. Therefore every marketers need to do online advertising. There are 6 types of online advertising as follows 1 Forum or websites 2 News groups 3 Bulletin boards 4 Web communities 5 E mails 6 Web casting 11      Forum or websites In online advertising forum means discussion groups located on commercial websites that link users to libraries, directories or chat rooms. These help users who are online to send and receive instant messages. 22     News groups                    Routinely, clients utilized hotel grievances with organization's grumblings office. Yet, nowadays, clients can sign on to newsgroups or visit rooms and commendation advertisers admini

Healthy Lifestyle Article

HOW TO LIVE HEALTH LIFESTYLE 1.    PHYSICAL CONDITIONS RESTRICT THE MIND             Essentially all individual are spiritual beings. At the equal time we will deny that we are living now on this three dimensional word despite the fact that we're beings of the actual worlds and this is our real kingdom at present we are inhabitants of those international and as such we have to tackle a form suitable for lifestyles on this realm.            Even high spirit haven't any opportunity but to use a physical frame to explicit themselves whilst they're here on this planet. They can't explicit themselves totally via the brilliance of the light they radiate despite the fact that they do provide out light. They nevertheless should communicate with the aid of talking with their mouth attractive with their eyes. Using the brain to write what they suppose in order that they too are confined with the aid of a bodily shape. This may be very essential problem. The coaching of

How To Improve Memory & Concentration

  There are two types of memory   short term and long term memory   -  Recall recent events in short-term memory.   -  Long term memory contains events that occurred many years ago.             Reasons not to be a memory sharpen   -  Lack of concentration.   -  Can't store too much information at once    Stress.   -  If the brain has an accident or injury and defects Measures to sharpen memory   - Creating appropriate methods for what we are going to study.   -  In order to increase concentration while studying, one should be careful to use a quiet room where there is no loud noise.   - Getting enough sleep is important.   -  Instead of studying when tired, resting on the brain, studying when the brain is freshened.   -  As the body becomes tired, the brain becomes tired, it can be stressed.   -  Pay attention to a healthy diet.   -  Focusing on one task at a time.   -  Revision of the stud

Constipation in Adults: Home Remedies, Symptoms, Causes

Constipation in Adults: Home Remedies,Symptoms  &Causes   constipation Stomach upset is the root cause of most diseases. In today's stressful life, 60 to 70% of people suffer from constipation. People with the disease use many remedies or even go for some addiction. E.g. Eating tobacco or smoking cigarettes. When it comes to the fact that the stomach is not clean, it is because of your wrong lifestyle.   The main causes of constipation in Adults -  Non-observance of meal times. -  Low consumption of fiber-rich foods. -  Eating fast food. -  Tobacco, alcohol and cigarettes are also responsible for this. -  Drink less water. -  Excessive use of medications. -  Irregularities of going to motion. -  Working long hours in one place. The following home remedies can be taken for constipation -  Observe meal times. -  Consume high fiber intake.     E.g. Leafy vegetables and fruits. -  Drink stagnant water in the morning an

वाहन नियमाचे दुप्पटीने दंड वाढवणे योग्य कि अयोग्य?

     वाहन नियमाचे दुप्पटीने दंड  वाढवणे योग्य कि अयोग्य   सामान्यांना पडणारा प्रश्न .         आज जगात जगत  असताना जवळ पास सगळ्याच गोष्टीची महागाई होताना दिसते आहे. मग जर वाहन नियम तोडल्यास जी शासनाने दुप्पट  दंडात्मक कारवाई चा निर्णय घेतला आहे त्यात नवीन काय आहे. नियम लागू झाल्या नंतर काही दिवसापूर्वी एक दाक्षिणात्य नटाचा चित्रपट बघितला होता तो डोळ्यासमोर आला (सीएम भरत),                आणि काही क्षण असे वाटले कि हि त्या चित्रपटामधील उचल बांगडी तर नव्हे ना. पण नंतर लक्षात आले कि तो चित्रपट आहे आणि हे खरे खुरे जीवन, चित्रपटात आपण सीन एडिट करू शकतो पण या जीवनात नाही, माणसाची  जीवित हानी होणार नाही हे समीकरण डोळ्या समोर ठेवूनच हा निर्णय घेतला गेला असावा. जर कुणाला १०००० रु. दंड लागला असेल तर तिथे एवढा दंड देण्या ऐवजी १००० रु.मध्ये  हि कारवाई पावती न देता पूर्ण तर होत नाही ना हे तपासात घेतले गेले पाहिजे.                 सामान्य माणसाच्या खिश्याला पैश्याची जर झळ बसत  असेल तर ते पैसे  वाचवण्यासाठी भ्रष्टाचार या गोष्टीचा तो विचार करणार नाही हि गोष्ट सुद्धा लक्षात घेतली गेली पाहिजे.

सामान्य माणसाच्या जगात .....

               मी एक सामान्य माणूस आहे. जो रोज सकाळी उठून आपल्या घराला सुख सोयी नुसार घर चालण्यासाठी धडपड करत असतो. पण दररोज घराबाहेर पडल्या नंतर नोकरी वर  गेल्यावर तिथे सुद्धा मी माझा प्रामाणिक पण सोडत नाही.  तिथे कितीही प्रमाणात ताण आला   तरी सहन करून पुढेचालणारा  मी एक सामान्य माणूस. कारण जर मी तिथे माझं मत मांडण्याचा प्रयत्न केला तर माझीच दमदाटी केली जाईल आणि जर जे काम आपल्याला करायचे आहे ते दुसऱ्या वळणावर जात असेल तरी त्याचा स्वीकार करावा लागतो, का तर माझी नोकरी जाईल. आणि माझे उदरनिर्वाहाचे साधन हिरावून घेतले जाईल.                मग या सामान्य माणसाने आपले मन कुठे हलके करायचे तेच त्याला कळत नाही, म्हणून  तो त्याच दडपणाखाली आयुष्य जगात राहतो. प्रशासनात सुद्धा जवळ पस सगळ्याच गोष्टीचा अतिरेक  होतो  जसे कि नोटबंदी, बँकेचे वाढणारं  व्याजदर (कारण सामान्य माणसाला कर्ज घेतल्याशिवाय  शिवाय पर्याय नसतो ) , वाढती महागाई, घरच्या मुलांचे किंवा आई वडील यांचे आजारपण सुद्धा तिथं सुटणार नाही.               आजार पण असे आहे कि जिथे आपल्याला थोडीशी मेडिसिन बद्दल माहिती असेल तरीही आपल्याला डॉक्ट

Many people use this for lose weight

Dragon fruits There are many benefits of Dragon fruits based on the evident. Dragon fruit contain high nutrients,it may help to fight against chronic diseases. this highly loaded with fiber by which it promotes a healthy gut. On th another way dragon fruit strengthens your immune system and it boost iron levels. dragon fruit is tasteless fruit, It contain good source of magnesium Dragon fruit is a part of cactus family and rich in fiber, vitamin-c and vitamin-B You can cut in to a part and grill it or grind with weight loss. Use for weight lose This fruit many times used for lose weight because dragon fruit are rich fiber which not only help satiety. but this fiber also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels which prevent craving. It may present insulin production rate which encourages weight gain. The sugar in fruit comes with bundles of fiber and vitamins that helps to boost your health. Side effects of excess eating of dragon fruits   Constipation and muscles

10 health benefits by this seeds.

Ajwain or carom seeds Ajwain that is carom seeds contain many health benefits as it contains ingredient such as calcium,potassium,phosphorus,iodine,carotene. Drinking half teaspoon of ajwain in boiled water with addition with small amount of salts can solve many health problems. These are the main benefits as follows, Reduces the chances of diabetes. The possibilities of heart disease can be avoided. Reduce toothache and mouth odor. Stomach illness and constipation go away. Relieves kidney stone and pain. Meals are quickly digested. Metabolism increases, weight loss. Drinking twice a day reduce diarrhea. Relieves indigestion, acidity. Colds,phlegm and asthma problems go away.

The major dietary source linked with many health benefits.

Red berries called tomato fruits In the taken care of health tomato are the major dietary sources contain many antioxidants lycopene having many health benefits, Tomato decreases risk of heart problems or diseases and cancer, The one of the berry which have great source of vitamin-C,potassium,folic acid and vita- K. When tomato bad for health? Tomatoes contain malic acid and citric acid, by consumption too much of these could make your stomach acidic an cause acid reflux and heartburn. Consuming lycopene can also bad for you because it can causes lycopenodermia and  a discoloration of skin. Side effects and safety Leaf of tomato is not safe for health, large number of tomato leaves can cause poisoning. Symptoms of it may include severe throat and mouth irritation, vomiting, diarrhea,dizziness,headache, mild spasm and death in severe cases. Can we eat tomato by empty stomach? Tomato enrich with vitamin - C and nutrients. But, we should be avoid tomatoes by situation in